What is Perinatal Occupational Therapy?
Many people may have heard of occupational therapy (OT) or have received OT services before.
OT within the area of perinatal healthcare may not be a service that you have thought of before,
but is one that you should know about.
Perinatal OT addresses the mother within the context of her child, family, and community to support the healthy development of their physical, cognitive, and social well-being. Perinatal OT practitioners work with women and families throughout the perinatal period during the preconception, pregnancy, labor and birth, and postpartum periods. They take a holistic approach to maternal healthcare by considering the mother within her various roles and routines and her physical and social environments with evidence-based interventions that help her reach her goals.​
Perinatal OT continues to be an emerging practice setting for OT practitioners, however, more literature is becoming available that supports the need for OT involvement with this population with practical approaches to assessment and intervention.
An educational course about
perinatal occupations,
barriers to participation and performance,
and the role of occupational therapy
in addressing these barriers.
This webpage and online course was created as part of a doctoral capstone project, in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Doctoral of Occupational Therapy Degree from the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences.